AGIT Funding and Proposals

Funding Proposals

Funding proposals should be submitted in writing to the secretary of AGIT using the application below and should contain detailed information, including objective/s, background information and approach. A financial plan of the funding sought should be included (estimated costs are acceptable).
The Trust will require a written report on completion of the project and detailed information on expenditure incurred. It is expected that any unspent funds will be returned to the AGIT.

AGIT Funding

The following list provides an overview of funding issued by AGIT.

GAMAA – Funding for contribution to Future Fuels CRC

AGIT has provided funding of $20,000 per annum for up to 3 years as GAMMA’s contribution towards the Future Fuels CRC. The Future Fuels CRC will develop solutions for current infrastructure and equipment to use low carbon fuels today and well into the future. Collaborating with over 60 companies, 6 universities, the energy market operator and 2 regulators, low carbon fuels offer increasing potential to store and deliver reliable, clean, secure, and affordable energy to Australian consumers.

Petroleum Club of WA – Next Generation Schools Program

AGIT is the primary sponsor of the “Next Generation Schools Program” providing $49,500 over three years. This successful program is a school, industry and community partnership facilitated by the Petroleum Club of Western Australia since 1991. It helped expose high school students to the world of work in the petroleum industry through project activity and fosters a relationship with an industry mentor. It helps the industry build better awareness of its activities and its contribution to the Australian economy and society.

The Norwood Resource – Information Technology Upgrade

AGIT provided up to $25,000 to The Norwood Resource. The funds contributes to creating an online library, social media resource and presence to assist, assemble and disseminate factual, scientific and verifiable information about the environmental impacts of oil and gas exploration and production. This establishes (and maintains) a centre of expertise about the oil and gas exploration and production industries and best practice environmental protection knowledge and outcomes.

Energy Networks Australia and Gas Appliance Manufacturer’s Association of Australia

AGIT contributed $50,000 towards a study to provide information regarding household gas connections, appliance and connection trends and drivers. The study seeks to better understand how gas is used within the homes, the types and number of appliances in homes and the trends in new and/or competing appliances that could impact on how gas is used within the home. The intent of this study is to establish a baseline that can be used in ongoing benchmarking activities where the data will be updated annually to identify year on year movement in gas appliances across gas networks.

Energy Networks Australia

AGIT has contributed $50,000 towards a study to investigate the technical and commercial implications of the three transformation technologies (hydrogen, biogas and carbon capture and storage) to achieve near-zero carbon emissions by 2050. The study aims to provide a better understanding of the different roles these technologies can play in decarbonising Australian gas networks and the implications for Australian industry.

APGA Young Pipeliners Forum

AGIT assisted with funding an inaugural meeting of young people in the pipeline industry to form a group known as the APGA Young Pipeliners Forum (YPF) in 2006. The YPF provides a means for young people forging a career in the pipeline and gas industry to get together and to organise events where they share knowledge, learn from more experienced pipeliners and have fun. The YPF operates in all Australian states and territories and in New Zealand and is organised and run by the YPF members.
AGIT assisted with funding the 10 year Ten-Year Anniversary Seminar/Workshop bringing YPF and industry leaders together again in Canberra to celebrate the success of the first decade and plan and set goals for the next decade.

APGA Research and Standards Committee Joint Technical Meetings and Study Tours

Funding has been provided since 2005 to assist young pipeline engineers attend international biennial research Joint Technical Meetings of the Australian Pipelines and Gas Association Research and Standards Committee, the Pipeline Research Council International and the European Pipeline Research Group. The three organisations cooperate with and share information on research and projects. Scholarship groups attend the JTM meeting and visit a number of gas related organisations and research organisations to observe facilities and the work being carried out. Attending the JTM and study tour enhances the engineer’s professional development and assists with the sharing of knowledge to benefit the employer and the industry in Australia.

Master Plumbers Association Scholarships and Training

AGIT provided $14,250 as funding to the Master Plumbers Association which successfully funded five scholarship places to individual plumbers to undertake and complete the course CPCPGS4022A Service Type A Appliance during 2015. In addition, a grant of $10,000 was issued for the development of post graduate training course CPCPGS4011A Design and Size Consumer Gas Installations for plumbers who wish to gain a licence in gas – this has to be completed prior to plumbers undertaking the Victorian Building Authority licence examination.

Toowoomba and Surat Basin Enterprise

Major sponsor of the Surat Basin Energy Awards celebrating the economic, social and personal contribution that the energy sector injects into the Surat region and recognising the people, business and industries that have helped shape the regions new energy industries.


Funding over two years for the APGA Women’s Leadership Development program which aims at enhancing diversity and inclusion within the pipeline industry by providing a more supportive and open environment for women.

Funding for IGU Committee Work

IGU Methane Emissions Technical Experts Working Group

AGIT funded Ms Susie Smith as a member of the IGU Methane Emissions Technical Experts Working Group to attend meetings and assist with the work of the group.
Specifically the IGU seeks to engage with the IEA and G20, as both groups are considering this matter. Furthermore, as several interest groups continue to advocate against the role of natural gas in a low carbon economy, the natural gas industry needs to provide a counter view – ‘if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem’.
The IGU will produce a publication that affirms the importance of the transition to a low carbon economy and the role of natural gas in this economy. Whilst the publication will refer to the importance of robust measurement methodologies and public disclosure, the focus will be on the initiatives the industry is already undertaking to reduce methane emissions.

IGU Triennial Work Program Participation

AGIT has been involved with the IGU Triennial Work Program (TWP) since inception. The TWP lays out the work and activities that the IGU committees and task forces will carry out during the next three years of the Presidential Triennium. The focus and aim is to support the mission of the organisation while at the same time contributing to the IGU’s efforts towards becoming the global voice of gas.
AGIT nominates Australian gas industry representatives to join and support the work of the committees and to assist active participants attend meetings. A number of Australian representatives have been and are chairs or vice-chairs. The list of people currently involved is available here.
Korea holds the IGU presidency from June 2018 to June 2012. The theme for this research period (triennium) is A Sustainable Future – Powered by Gas. With the strategic focus of the Committees and Task Forces being on access, markets and social licence and, to achieve this, 11 committees and 3 task forces have been established.

IGU Working Committees

Please see the webpage Australian involvement with IGU for details on how AGIT supports Australian participation on IGU working committees.