Our history, vision and purpose

In 1999, the Australian Gas Association established a trust fund to pursue educational activities in collaboration with the Australian gas industry. The trust is now called the Australian Gas Industry Trust (AGIT) and maintains the objectives of providing funding for education, professional development and research in the gas industry. It is also the conduit between the Australian gas industry and the International Gas Union.

AGIT is governed by representatives of all sectors of the Australian gas industry: upstream exploration and production, gas transmission pipelines, gas networks and gas appliances


Sam Bost, Graduate Production Engineer
Production from a CSG Field – the challenges on the front-line

Ryoto Nakajima, Energy Infrastructure Department, Marubeni Corporation
Development of LNG receiving terminal, the Australian industrial energy project

Linh Nguyen, Network Planning Engineer, Australian Gas Infrastructure Group – Multinet Gas
Hydrogen Park in South Australia – How hydrogen is produced and injected into the gas networks

Brian McDonough, Project Engineer, GPA Engineering
Energy Supply in the NT – keeping the lights on in the North

Matthew Baker, Projects Manager, APA Group
Victorian gas import project

Layton Manuel External Works Specialist, Jemena
Managing the risk of high-pressure gas pipelines in urban areas

Paul Zerna Mechanical Engineer, Epic Energy
Waking up to your alarms: The importance of alarm rationalisation

Lachlan Burton, Asset Engineer, Lochard Energy
The benefits of risk-based inspection for pressure equipment maintenance

Vinaah Mohan, Portfolio Planning & Optimisation Analyst, AGL Energy
East Coast Gas Market: Impact of declining gas production and long-term gas alternatives

Kim Lalunio, Account Manager – Commercial and Industrial, Alinta Energy
Gas contracting considerations: A retailer perspective.

Jordan Mill, Lead Analyst, Oil & Gas, EnergyAustralia
Dynamic Gas Supply Agreements: linkages between domestic gas prices and international oil markets

Rubi Turna, Senior Project Engineer, APA Group
Ensuring security of supply for Victoria – in relation to the worm project

Claire Minns, Marketing Manager, Australian Gas Infrastructure Group
Winning hearts and minds of customers in the age of choice

Bailey Nassau, Digital Graduate, Origin Energy
State of the digitalised gas field and comparison to other industries

Bardia Alavi, Project Development Analyst, Jemena
Digitalisation: Creating value for customers, environment and gas utilities

Iffatis Sadia, Technical Specialist, Rheem Australia
Modular gas water heaters: Type A or Type B?